Temat: Młodzi Amerykanie nie wiedzą, gdzie leży Irak ...36% popularity rating while our polls (conducted almost daily and
covering a much larger body of the civic population than the public ones cover)
show him at 32% and falling.
The idea of a sudden ‘terrorist attack” just before the mid terms is being
spoken of here more often. One of my friends, who reads official reports, says
a study has been made, and submitted, both to the White House and the Pentagon,
concerning the sinking of a cruise ship full of granny ladies and kiddies.
Would they actually let this happen? Oh yes, they would, but only if they have
plausible deniability to hide behind. None of the frightened Republicans here,
in the government and Congress, want to be indicted for their blatant thefts
and peculations and will <>do absolutely anything<> to keep from going the way
of Libby or DeLay. (And probably Rove.)
Big oil has posted its first quarter figures for 2006 and... Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,50,41189256,41189256,Mlodzi_Amerykanie_nie_wiedza_gdzie_lezy_Irak.html