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Temat: Proftpd login incorrect. Temat: NEW to FTP in general ...thie message...... [23:10:12] 500 'FEAT': command not understood. What am I doing wrong????? I have never ftp'd before so it is all new to me and I would like ot know what i am doing wrong??? I have a website which is being hosted by yahoo.com and I have put in all the 'items' which they have ent me to proceed with ftp....... You can see how new I am at this - I don't even know nor understand half the terminology I am reading...... but I DO want to learn how to ftp......... thanks Bea In case it helps - this is what was in the dialog box......... [23:09:59] SmartFTP v2.0.993.25 [23:10:00] Resolving host name "ftp.my_domain.com" [23:10:02] Connecting to Port: 21 [23:10:02] Connected to ftp.my_domain.com. [23:10:05] 220-Welcome to the Yahoo! Web Hosting FTP server. [23:10:06] 220-Need help? Get all details at: [23:10:06]... Źródło: smartftp.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=10443 |
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