house building
W Krakowie i okolicach

Temat: Irlandczycy nie kupija domow, kupuja auta
...of new cars licensed last month 29/02/2008 - 11:57:44 An all-time record number of new cars were licensed for the first time last month, according to figures from the Central Statistics Office. Almost 33,000 new vehicles arrived on the roads during January, 12.5% more than in January 2007. Elsewhere, separate CSO figures show that output in the construction sector fell by 4.5% in the third quarter of 2007 compared to the same period in 2006. Residential house building fell by 17%, but civil construction actually rose by 27%. No cóż, coś trzeba kupić ... skoro domu nie , to chociaż autko

Temat: KOBELKO. Hybrid Excavator. Koparka Hybridowa more compact in size, so it has the double merit of saving on both energy and space. With the improvement in fuel consumption, it saves at the very minimum 40% on fuel. (KOBELCO tests, compared with conventional machine) And according to data from site monitoring, the machine has achieved startling levels of fuel economy even better than this. (Cases of lowered fuel consumption: house demolition site: down 54%; waste disposal site: down 59%; ground preparation for house-building: down 60%) After the world’s first completed hybrid hydraulic excavator was unveiled at the INTERMAT construction machinery trade show in France in April 2006, it was shown at Japan’s CONET show in July and at CONCRETE in Las Vegas in November that year, and then in Shanghai at BAUMA in October 2008. KOBELCO has thus demonstrated its hybrid hydraulic excavator technology in the leading markets worldwide: Europe, Japan, America...

http://doll- <a href="http://doll-

Temat: I feel complete their own
He said half of the realized, this spiritual house building standard is indeed formal, but there must be some spiritual house products can not, in fact, we would have found a flaw, but no one will think of the whole spiritual house is a trap. Standard just because he was too formal.     Chen Pierces four grim, does not speak, just stared fiercely stone turtle, look very scary.     I and the Chinese monks, where they together, it suddenly be finished, we must...

Temat: "The Evolution of Culture" Daniel C. Dennett, Feed
...and to anticipate the complications that will arise when the trains of events they put in motion collide. The traditional model used by historians and anthropologists to try to explain cultural evolution uses the intentional stance as its explanatory framework. These theorists treat culture as composed of goods, possessions of the people, who husband them in various ways, wisely or foolishly. People carefully preserve their traditions of fire-lighting, house-building, speaking, counting, justice, etc. They trade cultural items as they trade other goods. And of course some cultural items (wagons, pasta, recipes for chocolate cake, etc.) are definitely goods, and so we can plot their trajectories using the tools of economics. It is clear from this perspective that highly prized cultural entities will be protected at the expense of less favored cultural entities, and there will be a competitive market where...


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