horror author
W Krakowie i okolicach

Temat: Zakaz czytania ksiazek na glos
...that 7,267 different pirated ebooks could be freely accessed through newsgroups and Napster-like file-sharing networks such as gnutella. Envisional warned the publishing industry that the growing problem has the potential to impact upon the sector as hard as Napster hit the music industry. Envisional's research found that science fiction and fantasy titles head the list of most pirated books, closely followed by technical computing books. Thousands of copies of horror author Stephen King's novels, including latest release Dreamcatcher, as well as It, Misery and The Shining were all available at different locations online. Other authors hardest hit include Harry Potter creator J. K. Rowling, with hundreds of copies of all four Harry Potter titles posted around the Internet. Terry Pratchett books were also popular targets, with nearly 200 copies discovered. There was also a growing trend towards popular thrillers,...
Źródło: topranking.pl/1331/zakaz,czytania,ksiazek,na,glos.php

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