greenhouse gases
W Krakowie i okolicach

...">gas saver twistertornado</a> <a href="http://emanufacturedgoods.info/gas-savers/auto-gas-saver.html ">auto gas saver</a> <a href="http://emanufacturedgoods.info/gas-savers/platinum-gas-saver.html ">platinum gas saver</a> <a href="http://emanufacturedgoods.info/gas-savers/ greenhouse-gases.html ">
Źródło: fjk.fora.pl/a/a,435.html

Temat: Elektrownia atomowa
...building. Nuclear plants use diesel generators (and some times gas, or combustion, turbines) for emergency electrical power. These diesels or turbines are typically started and run at least once a month to ensure they can function as backup power, if required, during a loss of power condition or accident condition. When these diesels or turbines startup, usually black plumes of exhaust gases are released. Operation of these diesels or turbines is the only source of greenhouse gases (e.g. carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxides) at a nuclear plant. The air ejector exhaust at PWRs is usually non-radioactive. Only in those cases where there may be leakage through a steam generator tube could that exhaust have any radioactivity. At BWRs, the air ejector exhaust is radioactive, but that exhaust must also pass through delay pipes, storage tanks and a hydrogen recombiner before being released to the...
Źródło: e-kwidzyn.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=862

Dzięki wszystkim za odpowiedzi, niestety jest tam parę błędów. Oto co ja stworzyłem na podstawie zdań żywcem wyjętych z książki i tego co kobita powiedziała- ad1- We are running out of unrenewable sources of energy 2- Greenhouse gases are harmful to the environment. 3-Wind farms take up a lot of space 4-Ocean levels are rising 5-We should have stricter laws and harsher punishments for illegal hunting 6-Industrial waste i rubbish dump 7-Don't throw rubbish at the ground i turn-off the light 8-I'am greatful to you for help 9-He is gulity of dumping barrels into the river 10-I'am not able to speak in public 11-Gas mask protect you from poison gas...
Źródło: 1kdz.fora.pl/a/a,8.html

Temat: Al Gore pozwany...
...globalnego ocieplenia zarzuca sie branie kasy od roznych lobby Rolling Eyes nie zaglebialem sie w sprawy Grenlandii , ale to nie jest koronny argument ktory obala teze ze czlowiek nie jest odpowiedzialny za zmiany klimatu ; zreszta tamtejsze ocieplenie nie bylo tak wysokie jak obecne And perhaps most devastating of all to the man-made global warming backers, it is now admitted that six of the 10 hottest years on record occurred when only 10% of the amount of greenhouse gases that have been emitted in the last century were in the atmosphere Jak to w South Parku było? Jeździ po świecie i poluje na men-bear-pig nie zaglebialem sie w sprawy Grenlandii , ale to nie jest koronny argument ktory obala teze ze czlowiek nie jest odpowiedzialny za zmiany klimatu ; zreszta tamtejsze ocieplenie nie bylo tak wysokie jak obecne Oczywiście, że nie obala. Ciężko w ogóle obalić fakt istnienia czegoś, czego istnienia nie...
Źródło: mikke.fora.pl/a/a,4520.html

Temat: climate crisis
Lawmakers Examine Political Interference of Gov't Scientists Today on Capitol Hill, the House Oversight and Government Reform committee is holding its first hearing on the political interference in the work of government scientists regarding climate change. Last year NASA's top climate scientist James Hansen accused the Bush administration of trying to stop him from speaking out about the links between greenhouse gases and global warming. źródło-www.democracynow.org Guardian UK CNN
Źródło: punkforum.hottrick.org/viewtopic.php?t=88

Cool website! Your web site is helpful, All the best! <a href="http://emanufacturedgoods.info/gas-natural-petroleum/ greenhouse-gases.html ">
Źródło: dvbt.fora.pl/a/a,15.html

Hello! Very nicely done. Good stuff. I will be back! <a href="http://emanufacturedgoods.info/gas-savers/ greenhouse-gases.html ">
Źródło: dvbt.fora.pl/a/a,15.html

Temat: Droga Mleczna Kanibalem
...is unusual or the dark matter has richer properties than postulated by conventional models." Implications in Global Warming? It has been postulated that this is the real reason for both global warming since higher energy levels of the Milky Way are almost certain to cause our Sun to burn hotter and emit higher energies. Indeed, temperatures have been seen to rise on virtually all the planets in our system. This seems quite apart from any local phenomenon like greenhouse gases etc. This grand turning is possibly the root cause for the discontinuation of the Mayan calendar (the most accurate on the planet) because the 'read-point' of the Pleiades star cluster, which many believe the calendar was based upon, can no longer be a constant as we begin to steer away from the earlier predictable movements. Other changes happening in our system The "marriage" of our birth galaxy with our new adopted Milky...
Źródło: kodczasu.pl/viewtopic.php?t=731

Też troche nad tym siedziałam, próbowałam znaleźć te słówka w książce z angola i wyszły coś takiego: 1-kończą się nam nieodnawialne źródła energii - Nonrenewable resources are runnig out. 2-gazy cieplarniane są szkodliwe dla środowiska - Greenhouse gases are harmful to our environment. 3-Elektrownie wiatrowe zajmują dużo przestrzeni . - Wind farms take up a lot of space. 4-poziom oceanów wzrasta . - Ocean’s level is rising. 5-powinniśmy mieć surowsze prawa i kary dla za nielegalne łowiectwo - we sholud have more stricter laws and harsher punishments for illegal hunting. 6-Odpady przemysłowe i wysypisko - Industrial waste / rubbish dump 7-Nie...
Źródło: 1kdz.fora.pl/a/a,8.html

Temat: buddyzm i lamy i demokracja
...breathe air rated as dangerously unhealthy, contaminated by industrial growth and the recent addition of millions of automobiles. An estimated 400,000 die prematurely every year from air pollution. Government environmental agencies have no enforcement power to stop polluters, and generally the government ignores or denies such problems, concentrating instead on industrial growth.67 China’s own scientific establishment reports that unless greenhouse gases are curbed, the nation will face massive crop failures along with catastrophic food and water shortages in the years ahead. In 2006-2007 severe drought was already afflicting southwest China.68 If China is the great success story of speedy free market development, and is to be the model and inspiration for Tibet’s future, then old feudal Tibet indeed may start looking a lot better than it actually was. Notes: Mark...
Źródło: poloniao2.fora.pl/a/a,134.html

Temat: 30 lat
A tutaj artykuly z The New York Times oraz Washington post, mowiace o zagrozeniu dla zdrowia przez globalne ocieplenie. Te artykuly zostaly opublikowane zaledwie 5 godzin temu, nie musialem szukac daleko. "E.P.A. Proposal Calls Greenhouse Gases a Danger to the Public" E.P.A. to jest amerykanska federalna agencja zajmujaca sie ochrona srodowiska. Jezeli EPA juz bije na alarm to musi byc juz masakra. To tak jak w Polsce sanepid zawiadomi o tym ze w jajkach jest salmonella, to raczej ludzie nie zastanawiaja sie dlugo nad tym czy na sniadanie jesc jajecznice. To samo jest z EPA. http://www.washingtonpost...9032301281.html...
Źródło: niezalezni.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=865

Temat: Prezentacja "Wpływ globalnego ocieplenia na nasze życie
I’m going to talk about global warming. First, I’d like to tell you what does global warming means. It’s an increase of an average temperature of oceans and the Earth’s atmosphere. Greenhouse effect (uwaga, "global warming" jest skutkiem "greenhouse effect", to nie jest jedno i to samo, dodaj zdanie o tym) is caused by a release of (no nie zgadniesz =>) greenhouse gases to the atmosphere especially carbon dioxide and methane. Those
Źródło: engielski.pl/viewtopic.php?t=1395

Temat: cos ciekawego
...economy than equivalent gasoline engines and produce less greenhouse gas emission. Their greater economy is due to the higher energy per-litre content of diesel fuel and the intrinsic efficiency of the diesel engine. While petrodiesel's 15% higher density results in 15% higher greenhouse gas emissions per litre compared to gasoline,[6] the 20–40% better fuel economy achieved by modern diesel-engined automobiles offsets the higher-per-liter emissions of greenhouse gases, and produces 10-20 percent less GHG emissions than comparable gasoline vehicles.[7][8][9] Biodiesel-powered diesel engines offer substantially improved emission reductions compared to petro-diesel or gasoline-powered engines, while retaining most of the fuel economy advantages over conventional gasoline-powered automobiles. Sorki ze nie pisze swoimi slowami, ale to sa slowa ekspertow. Wiem ze koszt produkcji zawsze wygra z...
Źródło: niezalezni.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=786

...">gas generators</a> <a href="http://emanufacturedgoods.info/gas-natural-petroleum/gas-logs.html ">gas logs</a> <a href="http://emanufacturedgoods.info/gas-natural-petroleum/gas-mileage.html ">gas mileage</a> <a href="http://emanufacturedgoods.info/gas-natural-petroleum/ greenhouse-gases.html ">
Źródło: fjk.fora.pl/a/a,435.html

Temat: The use of this alternate fuel adds no net carbon dioxide...
Nie mogę sobie poraqdzić z przetłumaczeniem tej części. Proszę o pomoc. 1. the use of this alternate fuel adds no net carbon dioxide to the atmosphere - an important step in reducing the buildup of greenhouse gases 2. In a process called transesterification, organically derived oils (vegetable oils, animal fats and recycled restaurant greases) are combined with alcohol and chemically altered to form fatty esters such as methyl ester. 3. US biodiesel use in growing rapidly with additional production capacity available to quickly accomodate further growth. 4.a major challenge in introducing biodiesel blends to the countries diesel...
Źródło: engielski.pl/viewtopic.php?t=1362

Temat: Klimat winowajcą masowych wymierań?
...2008/2009 Senate Minority Report featuring over 700 international scientists dissenting from man-made climate fears: “I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.” - Nobel Prize Winner for Physics, Ivar Giaever. “Since I am no longer affiliated with any organization nor receiving any funding, I can speak quite frankly….As a scientist I remain skeptical...The main basis of the claim that man’s release of greenhouse gases is the cause of the warming is based almost entirely upon climate models. We all know the frailty of models concerning the air-surface system.” - Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Joanne Simpson, the first woman in the world to receive a PhD in meteorology, and formerly of NASA, who has authored more than 190 studies and has been called “among the most preeminent scientists of the last 100 years.” Warming fears are the...
Źródło: kodczasu.pl/viewtopic.php?t=719

Temat: Klimat winowajcą masowych wymierań?
dr Parris, który z wykształcenia jest geologiem i fragment jego opinii: "We should wait until there is more evidence before reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We’ve already done that and the evidence is in. The basic physics of the warming potential of the greenhouse gases was worked out more than a century ago by John Tyndall[24] and Svante Arrhenius,[25] and in 1938, G.S. Callendar solved a set of equations linking carbon dioxide to climate change.[26] In modern times, scientists became increasingly concerned about the possibility of climate change. In 1988 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was set up by the UN Environment Program and the World Meteorological Organization in response to...
Źródło: kodczasu.pl/viewtopic.php?t=719

Temat: Global Warming
The article is supposed to warn the society that the weather is getting worse, which cause is air pollution that pours greenhouse gases into the atmosphere to produce global warming that can alter weather patterns. Climate experts debate contensiously how to prevent severe changes to the world's weather. Climatologists asses that worldwide governments should start planning immediately to adapt to the new extremes of weather that their citizens will face. Building in potential flood plains in the north as well as water conservation measures in the south are recommended to be...
Źródło: kornelia.xaa.pl/viewtopic.php?t=5587

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