W Krakowie i okolicach

Temat: Refused editor admission - suggestion & question
In an effort to not labour the point I will make this succint, I did take the precaution of making a copy of what I submitted in my application. To say I had spelling mistakes and gramatical errors is factually incorrect. Unless that is, this error error message is indevisable so it gets invoked for spelling OR

Temat: Debe Esperar de uno (1) a dos aĂąos (2) para que su sitio sea listado en directorios
Tiene razón Federico pero en parte dinio y los demĂĄs editores tambiĂŠn. No sabĂ­a que dinio editaba en dmoz.:D El mundo es un lugar grande y variopinto, una de las cosas que exigimos al cubrir el formulario es una cierta corrección ortogrĂĄfica y gramatical. En cuanto a esos webmasters que conoce y son supuestamente corruptos deberĂ­a reportarlo. Siempre es fĂĄcil tirar la piedra y esconder la mano, si sabe que algo estĂĄ siendo injusto haga algo por cambiarlo, si no deberĂ­a absteners de hacer acusaciones infundadas.

Temat: Double Listing Problem
...exception of the casing (e.g. Original listing similar to "" and second listing similar to ""). On another forum someone said it may have been the call of an Editor to put this second listing up. In which case I am wondering why the description which both covered the local and online sales aspect of the site that was used for the original listing was not used, and instead replaced by a poorly worded and badly gramatical description. Also by design or coincidence Google has updated its listing from ODP and removed their reference to the dmoz entry I have posted and replaced it with the one I didn't request and at the same time it appears removed all but the home page from the search engine listings. I know Google and ODP are linked, but I also appreciate that Google issues aren't relevant to resource-zone but I thought would mention it incase this could be an issue from this...

Temat: Native Language game
Mm, a tricky one. Buscador (spanish) Though it's a word that literally translated sounds awfully bad. For example "paradise seeker" in spanish would be "buscador del paraiso" but it's not really gramatical ok, the most accurate translation would be "el que busca el paraiso". Next: next


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